Verbos con letra V

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Vaccinate – (vaeksineit), va.  vacunar.  vaccination-s. vacunación.

Value – (vaelyu), va.s.  valorar, valuar, apreciar, valor. 
-I can honestly say that I value his opinions and respect him.
-A person in high tech is valued for their abilities and not as often for their sex, unlike in other occupations," she said.
Vary – variar, cambiar, diversificar.   varying- a. variante, variable.
-Procedures vary from policy to policy.   
-As always, "your mileage may vary."
View – (viu), va. mirar, contemplar, considerar.  s.- vista, mirada, panorama, escena.
-I'm showing two views of this very recent result.
-I have selected photographs that I feel are appropriate for public viewing.
Visit- (visit), va. visitar.  vn. visitarse.   s.-visita.     visitant -s. visitante.  visiting – a. visitante, de visita.
-My wife and I decided to visit the zoo.
-While she was visiting Portland.
Volunteer – (valoentir), va.  contribuir, dar voluntariamente.      vn. ofrecerse.    s.- voluntario.
-In addition we need to start volunteering in the campaigns of friendly legislators and tell them about our bill.
Vow –(vaw), va. –hacer promesa solemne de, jurar, hacer voto.    vn.- hacer un voto.     s.-voto, promesa solemne.
-From then on, Christiana vowed to become a success.  
