Verbos con letra H

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Hail –(heil),va.  aclamar, saludar.   vn. granizar, vocear.   s.- grito, llamada.
-They will hail me. - Ellos me aclamaran.

Handle- (haendl),va. manejar, manosear, dirigir.    s.- manigueta, manubrio.   handling-s. manejo, maniobra, manipulación.
-I can handle the voice for now but I feel that my face needs a lot more time.
-I'm trying to work out ways to handle this now.
Hang – (haeng),   colgar, fijar.  [ p.hung - pp. hung, hanged].    hanging –a. colgante.
-In that case you said you used to hang with rock groups.
-It's not all that comfortable to have a bunch of tubes and stuff hanging out of you.
Harass – (haeras), va. s. acosar, atormentar, acoso.
-One of the executives had made some sexually harassing remarks to me, and I reported it.
-And other people get pleasure from harassing the airlines.
Harden – endurecer, encallecer.     hardening –s. endurecimiento.
-And also helped fight hardening of the arteries
Hate – (heit),va. odiar.     s.- odio.
-I hate static electricity.
-They just hate that nickname.
Haunt- va. frecuentar, rondar, perseguir.  s.-guarida, lugar que se frecuenta.
Have – (haev),va.tener, poseer.   [ p. pp. - had ]   s.-el que tiene, el privilegiado.
-I do have your package – tengo su paquete
-Having worked hard for his money.
Heal - (hil), curar.         healing - s. cura, curación, cicatrización.
-At least your spider-powers help you heal.
-They appear to be different from those recommended for healing the body.
Hear – (hir), va.escuchar.  vn.- oír.    [ p. pp. - heard].  hearing – s. audiencia, oído, audición.
-I heard a deafening roar – escuche un ensordecedor ruido
-Usually, this started with that Spice Girls CD she’s been hearing so much about.
Help – ayudar, asistir, contribuir.   s.-ayuda, servidumbre.
-Her greatest wish was to help build a better more just and peaceful world.
-Would help preserve their culture
Hesitate – (hesiteit), vn.s.  titubear, titubeo.
-They have sometimes hesitated to accept challenging assignments.
-If you need to know more details, please don't hesitate to contact me.
Hide –(haid),  esconder(se), encubrir.   s.- escondite.      hideaway – s. escondite, fugitivo.   hiding – s. escondite.
-Use these products to hide problem areas and look great.
-I found various hiding places.
Hike – (haik), vn.  dar una caminata, andar, caminar.    s.-caminata.
-Or hike in the nearby mountains.
Hinder –(hindoer), va.  estorbar, obstruir.  vn.poner obstáculos.
Hint-(hint), va. insinuar, indicar, sugerir, intimar.   vn. hacer una indirecta.   s.-indirecta, insinuación.
-Studies have hinted that humor can alleviate allergy symptoms. - han indicado
-It will not make people more accepting of you to give them hints like this.
Hire – (hair), va. alquilar, arrendar, sobornar.   s.- alquiler, salario, soborno. 
-They eventually hired the most gorgeous and talented models they could find.
-They know the argument in favor of hiring someone else to do it.
Hit – va. dar, pegar, golpear.  vn. acontecer, rozar, chocar, salir bien.   s.- golpe, rasgo de ingenio.
-This illustrates how drivers run into obstacles they would never hit in daylight.
-If he hit on you. - Si el te golpea
Hoard –(hoerd),  atesorar, acumular.      s.- tesoro, provisión.    hoarding- s. atesoramiento.
Hold – (hould), mantener(se).   [p. pp. – held;  pp. (ant.) holden   ].   s.- agarro, dominio, presa.     holding -s. tenencia, posesión.
-Get a hold of yourself – trata de controlarte
-Break free from the hold of old-fashioned hairsprays.
Hope – (houp),  esperar, tener esperanza.   s.-esperanza.
-I truly hope this is accomplished.
-She is working and hopes to go on to college.
Host – (houst), s.- hospedero, posadero, huésped, hostia (religión)  -no se describe como verbo -.    
-Last New Year’s I hosted a party for all of my friends.
-When hosting family and friends, we would remind each other that we were making memories.
Hug – va.s. abrazar, abrazo.
-While Peter hugged her close.
-She hugged three-year-old Jeramy and one-year old Stephany and said good-bye.
Hurt – (hoert), va. dañar, ofender, estropear, herir.  vn. doler.  [ p.pp.- hurt ]     s.-herida.   
-No one was hurt, so he turned back and charted another route.
-The same pain started creeping over there and after awhile it was really hurting.
Hustle – (hasl), va. mezclar, confundir, empujar, atropellar, sacudir. 
Hydrate- (haidreit), va.hidratar.  s.-hidrato.
-It instantly hydrates and then improves skin’s moisture barrier to keep moisture in.
