Verbos con letra i

Identify –(aidentifai), va. identificar .   identity – s. identidad.
-and identifies factors 
-If you identify with the above statements, drop me a note.  –si te identificas con los enunciados de arriba.

-Do you still identify as "male"?
-those individuals can feel more certain that those attending will be able to identify with them.
-This list might be for you if you identify as one of the following and want to talk to others your own age in similar situations...
-I didn't have the psychological sophistication to be able to identify it and at that time.  

Ignore – (ignor),va. Ignorar, desconocer.  
-Ignore the new invoice.
-I ignore their interests and talk about my own.

-where I am ignored for twenty minutes.

-Yes, but I have gotten used to ignoring them. – pero he conseguido soler ignorarlas.

Imagine – va. imaginar, idear.  vn. imaginar, fantasear.
-We can just imagine the tension rising within Martha’s heart.
-I have to shut the door and imagine nobody will interrupt

-I was quite amazed to find it was a lot easier than I had imagined it would be.

-I was imagining that this was the technique I would want for myself.
-This frightened and stressed me a lot imagining I would end up in some communal ward
-Advanced knowledge of XHTML, CSS, and of digital imaging and illustration with Adobe.

Imitate – (imiteit),va. imitar.     s.- imitación.
-He would sometimes imitate the way they did things.
-and how we can imitate it.
- I opened the door to find my dearest friend doing her best to imitate a corpse. 
-You don't actually have to do it-- just imitate the sound. 

Impair – (imper),va. empeorar.       impairment – s. deterioro.
- EpiLight uses pulsed light to remove hair and impair hair regrowth..

-by pills needs to have regular checkups to test for impaired liver function.
-When severe psychiatric disorders with impaired reality testing--such as, schizophrenia, dissociative identity disorder, 

Imply- (implai),va. implicar, significar, querer decir.
-He is much more open-minded about these matters than his answers would imply.
-He said it doesn't necessarily imply homosexuality,
-This implies that we are moving forward.
-of behavior that implies superiority.

-therefore, there can be no guarantee either expressed or implied, as to the result of this surgery since the practice of medicine is not an exact science.

Impress- va. impresionar, imprimir.  s.- impresión, señal. impression-s. impresión, estampa.     impressive- a. impresionante.  
-I thanked her and tried to impress her with the urgency of the situation.
-And she also manages to impress in dramas.
-Our free Catalog will very likely impress you.

-People are impressed that our free Consumer Information Catalog lists so many
-I was impressed by how lovely it was.
-His hard work and attention to detail impressed me.
-Mary seemed very impressed that I had taken the time to prepare for this, 

Improve – (impruv),  mejorar, perfeccionar.      improvement – s. mejora. 
-Learn how to improve yours.
-and to improve my reading ability,
-There are therapy programs that can improve fluency. -  fluidez
-is gradually increased as fluency improves.

-Those results improved to 87% satisfactory results

-so I'm hoping for a bit more improvement.

-I ate bits and pieces of all three meals they bring me today, so my appetite must be improving.
-Things are now improving fairly rapidly: 

Improvise – (improvais),va. improvisar. 
Include – (inklud),va. incluir, contener.     including – a.  incluyente.
 -Low monthly payments include standard text books and instruction.
-Crafted in full color and painstaking detail, each includes a satin hang ribbon. 

Indicate – (indikeit), va. indicar, señalar.     indication – s.indicación, señal.
-Please indicate what operations you plan in the future to assist in
-In this view, "n" indicates the patient's navel. – En esta inspección, "n" indica el ombligo del paciente.

-Demonstrated competence in psychotherapy as indicated by a license to practice medicine, psychotherapy, clinical social work.

Indulge –(indaldsh), va. acceder a, mimar, conceder, dar rienda suelta.     vn. (con -in-)entregarse a. 
-Ordinary people indulge in activities they never would,
-Fire up the computer and indulge in musical arcade games.
-they indulge during the holidays, five-foot,
-she still takes time to indulge her skin with shea-butter (cosmetic),

- I indulged myself with a quick tour of the facility.

-Sure, it would be an indulgence. – seria toda una entrega. 

Inherit – va. heredar.  vn. suceder como heredero.
-When a woman inherits a mutation in his gene – Cuando una mujer hereda una mutación en este gen.

-If you might have inherited a genetic mutation that indicates a higher risk.
-Every female inherited two X chromosomes, just like today.  

Initiate- (inishieit), va. iniciar, comenzar.    a.s.-iniciado.
-As these children mature into full adulthood and initiate independent clinical relationships,
-The psychotherapy sessions initiate a developmental process.

-Even if you initiated the split, (in the Marriage breakup), you should try to talk about it.

-Make reasonable efforts to stop "bots" or "spiders" from initiating requests for Paid Listings or executing click through on Paid Listings.     

Inquire –(inkuair),  preguntar, averiguar.     inquiry – s.   pregunta.
-You may inquire about selling and promotion methods.
-More information will be provided when you inquire, please include photos and resume with inquiry...
-Talk to your hosting.  Inquire if the package you paid for comes with a domain space.
-to do this on a totally elective basis without psychological screening... (If, however you know of one, let me know, since I get a lot of inquiries.)

-I would have asked about general anesthesia or about an epidural anesthetic, if either were available. I never in inquired about this, though.

-My flight was full, but I recommend inquiring with the airline before leaving about getting an empty seat or seats next to you. 

Insist – (insist),vn. insistir, persistir.  insistency -s. insistencia.    
-She even tried to insist that "her" surgical results were better than mine.
-If they insist on more details, then I point out things out with technical medical words..

-Wal-Mart insisted that the cashier use the men's washroom
-It seems the emergency room physician on staff that night insisted on admitting a Bronchitis patient.

-So insistent was Brenda on going to the bathroom
-The SOC committee is wary of insistence on some minimum number of psychotherapy

Inspire- (inspair), inspirar, animar.     inspiring-a. inspirador, alentador.       
-Today, we are no longer powerless against old ideas that inspire fear, guilt or shame. 
-He inspires all the guests with fury and madness.

-News blog The Grio, who called attention to her awe-inspiring journey through education and her career.
- This is so inspiring

- I found this note truly inspirational.   

Install – va. instalar, colocar.   
-Install Kodak software before connecting the camera. – Instala
-then click the install icon
-See the instructions to install the software.

-I installed windows 98 SE (second edition)
-which is installed on a Property for the purpose of collecting Customer Data, 

Instill –(instil), va. inculcar, infundir.
-A constant routine will instill confidence in your stroke. 
-I try to instill a strong work ethic in the boys. 

Instruct – (instract),va. instruir.     Instruction-s. instrucción, educación.   
-I was instructed by the nursing staff to not dilute it with juice to make it more palatable.
-He instructed me on how to insert it and left.
-I sat up and was instructed on how to wear a support

-removing the bag and instructing me to uncap it every two hours or so.

-I trust you will find this site instructive and helpful for whatever purposes bring you here. 

Insult- (insolt),  va.s. insultar, insulto.    Insulting-a. insultante. 
-She’d felt that her only recourse was to insult him.
-Melanie insults her old friends and neglects her family.
-In one email from a complainer, who felt she should also try to insult me at the same time

-it had to be done with her, as it was obvious she was intent upon being insulting (when I never insulted her personally in any way, of course) 

Intend –(intend), va. intentar, tener intención de.
-I intend to get a job as a technician.
-Maluf, who intends to run for governor or president in 2002,

-As she intended, her book made the people who hated slavery
-It is NOT intended to be a general FAQ about the subject, but simply MY responses to specific questions I've been asked.
-about one person, intended to provide information on a specific subject,
-with simple drawings of each stage and an image of the intended result.
-This is just one of the many other pages I've put together. It's intended to be humorous...
-Both the soaks and gravity are intended to help reduce the swelling.

-The parties hereto, in consideration of the mutual obligations set forth hereinafter and intending to be legally bound, hereby agree as follows: 

Interfere –(intoerfir), vn. interferir, inmiscuirse.   Interfering-s. intervención, obstáculo, interrupción.  
-I will allow you no opportunity to interfere with my plans.
-If you don’t stop interfering, we’ll have to restrict your contact with her. 

Interrupt – (interapt), va. interrumpir. 
-Do not interrupt.
-Sorry to interrupt, but I have a question
-I hate to interrupt, but could you be more specific.

-You don't want to be interrupted.   

Intervene – (intoervin),vn. intervenir.    Intervening-a. interventor, intermedio.  
-Family had tried to intervene, she said, but those efforts were unsuccessful.

-As a result, he intervened to protect him.
-How have you fared over the intervening years, socially and psychologically?  

Introduce – (introdius),va.  presentar, introducir.          
-Finally she gets off the phone and I introduce myself.  "You're early", she says, and I reply, "Not really".
-I introduce myself and tell her not to talk, that we can get to know each other later.

-(v) use, post, transmit or introduce any device, software or routine which interferes or attempts to interfere with the operation of the Service or the Software;

-I got introduced to you

-Introducing three exciting new Savory Selections flavors.

Intrude- (intrud), va. meter, forzar.   vn. inmiscuirse, intrusarse, entremeterse.    Intruder-s. intruso.

Invent – va.  inventar, idear.         invention - s. invención, invento. 
-he invented mechanisms to reduce friction
-They never invented any kind of writing or counting.
-I have had to personally give careful consideration to how I've invented my internet presence.

-For this reason, it's usually best to hedge in the direction of saying less, rather than inventing more.  

Invest – va. invertir, emplear dinero.    investment – s. inversión. 
-We will have to invest in new machinery.
-For 90 years we’ve been helping people like you invest for retirement astutely.
-Invest in a good camera, please.
-You may wish to invest in the graduated set available from Intelligence Engineering,
-Today, I do not invest my energy in fear - I choose life.
- invest in the only method proven permanent for over a century:

-Money invested in equipment.  

Investigate –(investigeit), va. investigar, indagar.      Investigating-a. investigador.     investigator – s. investigador, indagador.
-Rape Relief also argued that the Commission had taken so long to investigate the complaint that the complaint should be dismissed.

-But neither one has been investigated prospectively.
-that word has gotten me into trouble and has gotten me investigated by agencies that think I am trying to work

-They also are investigating a separate incident.
-It fell to the ethics consultant to try to resolve the impasse by investigating the issues and making a recommendation.  

Invite – (invait),va. invitar, compartir.          invitation – s.invitación, convite.    inviting- a. atractivo, seductivo.
-or who may invite you
-The Digest invites people to share their stories.

-We invited a lot of people. – invitamos a muchas personas
-Toward the end of his first term, President Nixon invited the Russians
-The doctor invited your father

-In the summer months the large in-ground swimming pool in the fenced in backyard is an inviting place to lounge and relax.

-And you need to help each other, even to the point of inviting others to observe their work. 

Involve – (invalv),va. envolver, involucrar, enrollar, implicar.
-because it’s always nice to involve the fans.
-but using those may involve thousands of hours of practice.
-Most other jobs, however, will involve some work.

-If your partner has been sexually involved with someone before you.
-Get involved in a pet cause. – Envuélvete en una causa de mascota; o consigue envolverte en causa de mascotas.

-Apparently Dr. Myltzer also allows an alternative bowel prep, involving drinking lots of water,
-They also are investigating a separate incident involving a guard who allegedly
-Eldh et al (1997) reviewed the Stockholm experience from the period 1965-1995, involving 136 patients.

-marriages for immigration purposes and defines marriage as an institution involving a “man” and a “woman.”  
