Verbos con letra O

Obey – va.obedecer, cumplir.  vn. ser obediente.   obedience – s.     obediencia.
-Some of you may remember a man who obeyed the law.
-he had a notion of male privilege, that he was head of the household and had to be obeyed.

-When they led him into obeying her – cuando ellos lo condujeron hacia obedecerla

-Very near to the Neistan gate at Thebes is the tomb of Menoeceus, the son of Creon. He committed suicide in obedience to the oracle from Delphi, at the time when Polyneices and the host with him arrived from Argos.

Obligate –(abligeit), va. obligar, comprometer.   obligation –s. obligación.
- Starmedia is not responsible for anything related to the Site and shall not be obligated to provide notice to Client.
 - In addition to the ethical obligation, clinicians may even have legal duties to warn their former patients when matters of importance are discovered.

  - You agree that you must evaluate, and bear all rights and obligations associated with, the use of any Content, including reliance on the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of such Content.

Observe –(obsoerv), va. observer, notar.    observing- a. observador, atento.    observatory – s. observatorio.
-observe the paper – observe el papel
- One of them is scheduled for surgery tomorrow- the patient whose procedure I will get to observe.
- to help each other, even to the point of inviting others to observe their work and showing them how it is done.
- I'm being impatient but I'm wondering how long after surgery have others gotten their voice back to normal, and how much improvement did you observe?

- I think back on the procedure I observed last year, and apply those observations to myself.
- There is an additional $80.00 to stay overnight if I feel it is medically necessary for you to be observed for another 12 hours;

- By observing them, and by talking with them, you can learn strategies for coping and avoid pitfalls.

- I had no problems finding street parking, although you must be very vigilant about observing all posted signs, curb markings, meters, etc.

Obtain – (obtein), va.obtener, conseguir.      obtainment – s.    obtención.
-I talked to her rustic Alabama birthplace to obtain a divorce from her boy.

-obtained through the internet
- These are obtained through the hospital pharmacy,
- If you are sent home on additional drugs, they can be obtained at the hospital pharmacy but be prepared to bring enough money to cover costs.
-This evidence may be obtained by interview of the patient's appointed informant.

- dealing with a variety of legal issues, obtaining effective and compassionate health care.
- You need only to book your flight, and I will do the rest for you, such as transportation from Phuket airport to the hospital, and obtaining a room at the hospital or hotels.
- Some patients have succeeded in obtaining it by vigorously challenging their Health Authority's refusal to fund,
- but the disadvantages of these include visible scarring of the donor site, lack of sensation of the grafted tissue, and possible problems with obtaining enough material in very slim patients.

- after finding no reason she should not continue her work and obtaining approval from the highest levels of the Anglican Church.

Offend – va. ofender.  vn. delinquir, desagradar, disgustar.     offense- s. ofensa.
-The new Jim Rose Circus is not to sicken, but to offend -   no es enfermar, sino ofender
- If this offends you, I am sorry.
- Republicans are setting a precedent that it is OK to actively discriminate toward their white constituents but inexcusable to say something that may offend anyone that is not white.

   - Records for people who change their names for reasons such as marriage will continue to be listed under the name they used at the time the offense occurred.

Offer – (ofoer),  ofrecer(se), proponer(se).       s.- oferta.      offering – s.  oferta, proposición.
-The rooms offer large walk in closets
-This exclusive offer is limited to the first 1000 customers who respond.
-frequent in-store workshops offer free facials, make up consultations
-And each offers superior absorbency.

-By offering banking services

-are important in offering protection from,

Open –   abrir(se), iniciar(se), desplegar.      a.-abierto.  s. claro, lugar abierto.          opening – s.  apertura, inauguración, coyuntura.
-he opens his door
-The open a secret bank account and start saving.
-I'm open-minded and politically moderate.
-I'm an open-minded, easy-going, optimistic person.
-What I can say is...try and keep an open mind.
-You should be polite, but you don't have to open doors for me- I can do that myself.
-The event is free and open to all those who are driven by data.
-I was soon there and reached the open window where I looked outside into the night air and breathed in several large breaths.

-When she opened it,
-My heart was beating fast as I opened the barn door.
-and wellness program, starting with the addition of our "Performance Zone", which opened last spring.

- The event will take place from 6:30-8:30 PM, with doors opening for networking at 5:30.

- in the central section had pulled away slightly from the inner thigh tissue leaving a small opening in the incision.

Order – va. ordenar, mandar.    s. orden, mandato.
-She orders two appetizers, dessert and a glass of milk.
-Open a bottle of Chianti and order in pizza.
-After losing a big cruiser order in 1983.
-The key for me was keeping my job in order to pay for all this,
-I order breakfast and begin writing my postcards.
-If your financial resources are limited, spend what you have on the following first (in order of priority):

-Congress has ordered the Air force to run a technical-data competition.
-I hadn’t ordered the entire menu! I also had my first cup of milky tea.
-Bentonville, Ark., was ordered to pay $2-million (U.S.) to former cashier Ricky Bourdouvales,
-We ordered room service and called it an early evening.

-Are you ordering ? – estas ordenando (para ordenar en restaurante comida como cliente)

Overcome – va. vencer, domar.  vn. sobreponerse, ganar, vencer.   a.- agobiado.  [p. overcame – pp. overcome].
-It can overcome other problems.
-The program has helped many  people in cities all over the U.S. overcome problems with alcohol and drugs.
-that’s helping children with growth disorders overcome the disability that nature dealt them.
-To do this he had to overcome whatever feelings he might have about on side or the other.
- I am a basically shy person please understand I do this for what I perceive is a good for the community and overcome my shyness for you.
- but 200 pounds on someone 5 feet tall is a weight problem very difficult for any surgeon to overcome.
- Only a longitudinal study with matched groups of patients on each dosage will overcome these limitations.
- with quiet persistence to successfully break down barriers, overcome stereotypes and promote harmony in our island community."

-Willpower and strength of character have nothing to do with overcoming alcoholism.

Overlook – va. mirar desde lo alto, examinar, vigilar, no hacer caso.   s.- mirada desde lo alto.
- Even if others think you are kinda strange as long as they also think you are nice then they can overlook the problems they may have with you.

-. This room had a better view, too, similar to the first room I had had. It overlooked a community garden behind the hospital.

-These notes were written while I was high on a ridge overlooking the flaming Gorge Reservoir.
-On the hill overlooking the hospital is a small white structure with "Ave Maria" in black painted on it.

Overstock – va.s. abarrotar.    s.- surtido excesivo.

Owe – (ou), va. deber, adeudar.  [p. pp. owed]. vn. estar endeudado.
-We owe everyone involved a tremendous debt of gratitude.
-I shouldn’t owe you anything – Yo no te debo nada
-The willingness to subject its practices to honest scrutiny is part of what any profession owes to the community it serves, part of what makes the profession worthy of its community's trust.
-So you owe it to yourself to know what's going on, inside and out.
-They have been designed and are sold by T folx. You owe yourselves a trip by their site just to check it out.

-will be included in the amount owed, and may be charged to the credit card
-Sharon was owed more than $7000 in back payments.
-They believe are owed them for appearing in TV. Show.
-They state owed the company more than 7 million.

-Dag probably owed his skill in dealing with all kinds and conditions of men.

Own – va. poseer.  vn. (con TO)- admitir, confesar.   a.- propio, propiedad.
-If you own a car – si tu posees un carro
-where fuel companies pretty much own the government – donde muchas de las compañías petroleras pertenecen al gobierno.
-Some 43 percent own savings bonds.
-A typical American girl between ages three and eleven owns ten Barbies.
- This one is mine, and I have my own personal criteria and guidelines about what goes here and why the site was created.

- Google and its wholly owned subsidiaries may retain and use,

- We went to the beach this last weekend, staying in a beach house owned by someone we know who is in the community.
