Verbos con letra Q

Quarrel- (kuarrel), vn. pelear, discutir.   s.- altercación, pelea, riña.  
- Codrus, therefore, deliberately provoked a quarrel, and was slain without being recognized.
- By this point, quarrels within the family occur almost daily and rumors have begun to seep into the town

-In the green van the two men are quarrelling.

Quest– investigar.  s.- averiguación.
Quiet-(kwaiet), callar, tranquilizar.  a.-quieto, tranquilo, callado. 
- I have to keep quiet about money during the interview.
- That very night I took a few aspirins and drove to San Francisco for a quiet evening with friends.
- They kept saying it was better to be quiet about it,
 - It's a small and rather ordinary hospital, with only 25 or so beds, located in a quiet, outlying part of Portland.

- I quietly put things away, and sit down on my bed, tired but eager.

- The older woman was much quieter than us and stayed in her room.

Quit(kuit),   dejar, parar, detener(se).  a.- libre, absuelto.  [ p. pp. quit o quitted ].
-When you are trying to quit smoking, the first week is the worst.
-they would quit the profession within a year.- Ellas dejarían la profesión
-when quitting smoking,
-Nineteen years after quitting.

Quote–(kwout), citar, repetir un texto.  s.- cita, comillas.
- The story ends with a final quote from Cameron:
- For more on this, including quotes from medical doctors, see:

- He has the list as quoted on page 20 
- no matter what the reason - your quoted fees will no longer apply and you will be charged A GREAT DEAL MORE than those original quotations.
- Implant fees are not quoted due to constantly changing prices.

-And actress Paula Stewart agreed, privately quoting a comment made by Stacy