Verbos con letra U

Understand – entender, comprender.      understanding – s.  entendimiento, entender. 
-They still didn’t fully understand it
-I don’t understand you
-He clearly understood this.
-No one has a better understanding of alcoholism, than CAREUNIT. CAREUNIT. 

Undertake- emprender, comprometerse, encargarse de [ p. undertook - pp. undertaken].  undertaking- s. empresa, contratación, compromiso.
-Agreed to undertake a presentation within my office.
-I know I'm doing what's right for me, even if it's rather a drastic undertaking.

Upset- va. trastornar, desarreglar.       a.-trastornado, turbado.  upsetting- s. trastorno.  a.- desconcertante.
-You don’t want to make her upset by continually repeating that her boyfriend is a no-good liar.
-seeing a man in women’s clothing seems to upset the criminal mind
-You don’t want to make her upset by continually repeating that her boyfriend is a no-good liar.
-he seemed more amused than upset by the experience,
- she had been very upset when her son canceled her visit at the last moment.
- I could tell how much it upset her. I just suggested we get her tested again.
- I was also a little upset that no one had mentioned this when I had the consultation or when I booked the test patch.

- Tonight, however, the subject was a bit personal and upsetting to her. I'm not even sure how we brought it up.

Urge –(oersdh), va. incitar, instar.   vn. estimular, presentar argumentos.    s.- impulso, instinto.
-you may have a sudden urge to smoke- podrías tener una repentina incitación por fumar.
-feelings that can trigger the urge to smoke
-Nutritionists urge more cereal-grain consumption,
-I urge everyone to lay out a similar plan for transition.
-everything around you keeps changing and urges you to change, too

-It can effectively reduce the urge to smoke.

Use –   usar, utilizar, soler.    s.- uso, aplicación.      user-s. usuario.
-Use only as directed.
-Use your imagination.
-but it was no use - pero no fue útil, o fue inútil
-who has to use this weapon-  quien habría de usar esta arma
-he use drugs
-He was a daily user – el era un usuario diario

-two tablets may be used
-a refrigerator new or used.

-Using her teeth, Charlotte slowly loosened the knots
-When using your camera in cold weather. – Con When siempre llevan Gerund

-Using your computer close to bedtime upsets your circadian rhythm,

Utter –(attoer), va. decir, pronunciar.  Utterance –s. pronunciación, expresión.
- It will be 2 weeks till I can utter a single word
- I can't utter a sound...not a whisper for another 10 days or so.
-If you are obsessively triple-checking every word your doctor utters,

-But the word pregnant could not be uttered in prime time.

-Ted will actually go an entire issue without uttering the word “Dude”,

- I seemed to be uttering sounds in an organized manner, but none of it was coherent.
