Verbos con letra W

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Wait – va. esperar, aguardar.    vn. esperando.    s.- espera, demora.     waiting – s.  espera, demora.
-A big Wolf waited in a dark forest.
-Today, the waiting period for a tutor can be up to a year.                                                                                                         
 Wake- (weik), va.despertar, – mas común  wake up,  [p. pp. waked o woke]. vn. despertarse.  s.- vela, fiesta nocturna.      waking- s. vela.   
-My alarm woke me around 5:20AM.
-The next morning I was woken up nice and early.
 Walk –va. andar, recorrer, pasear.  vn. caminar, andar, pasearse.   s.- paseo, caminata.  walking- s. paseo.  a.-de andar, para andar, andador.
-We walk over to the South Hospital, and I check in at the admissions desk just inside the door.
-She kissed me politely on the cheek and walked away. - Ella me beso educadamente en la mejilla y camino
 Want – va. querer, desear.  vn. estar necesitado.  s.- necesidad, carencia, exigencia, solicitud.   [pp. wanted].  wanting- a. defectuoso, necesitado, deficiente. 
-That will make you want to pack your bags for the Xanadu Resort.
-The men wanted to go home to their families.
 Warn- va. avisar, prevenir.   warning- s. advertencia.
-He warned his disciples about the people.
-But sometimes without warning they turn and attack.
 Warrant – (warant),va. garantizar.    s.-garantía.       warranty - s. garantía.
-I warrant that I have read and fully understand all of the foregoing.
-Vanity and pride is fine if warranted and I agree that his is.
 Wash – va. lavar, bañar, regar.   vn. lavarse.  s.- lavado, baño.  a.- de lavar, lavable.   washing- s. 
lavado, lavadura, ropa lavada.
-I thought I would not be able to wash at all for several days.
-We can do this on the picnic table, intending to wash it off afterward.
 Waste – (weist), va. gastar, desperdiciar.   vn. gastarse.  a. inútil, desechado, inculto.  s.- despilfarro, desperdicio, derroche.
-Rental car 225.00 This was a waste of money.
-Many of his colleagues told him he was wasting his time.
 Watch- va. vigilar, observar.  vn. vigilar, estar alerta.   s.- vigilancia, reloj de bolsillo, observación, cuidado.
-I had to be home by 6:30 am the next day to watch my daughter.
-I stood back here and watched them eat.
 Wear – va.usar, llevar, vestir. [p. wore – pp. worn].  vn. gastarse, consumirse.   s.- uso, gasto, moda.  wearing- s. uso, desgaste. a.- de uso, agotador.
-If you wear glasses, you should get contacts to wear during the healing.
-They were dressed in black and wore hoods.
 Weave – (wiv), va. tejer, entrelazar. [p. wove – pp. woven].   s.-tejido, textura.    weaving- s. tejido, textura.
 Wed – va. casar.  vn. casarse, unir en matrimonio.  wedding-s. boda.
 Weep-(wip), va. vn. llorar, lamentar, estar pendiente de.  [p.pp. -wept].   weeping-s. llanto, lagrimas.
-The women wept a little now and then.
-I remember weeping when forced to rip the skin off my chicken on the diet.
Wend- va.dirigir, encaminar.   vn. andar, ir, seguir camino.
-And her small army of volunteers wends their way.
Whip – va. batir, azotar, enrollar.    s.-azote, látigo.    
-Doing 100 concerts a year, playing to 3,000 people -- it sure whips your playing into shape.
- This is a whipped cream. – crema batida
Whisper –(wispoer),  cuchichear, murmurar.  s.-cuchicheo, murmullo.
-I can't utter a sound...not a whisper for another 10 days or so.
-I can hear it calling me, whispering to me.
Whistle –(wisl), silvar, chiflar.  s.-silbido, silbato. 
Win – ganar.  [p. pp. won]. 
-Pay the seller when you win or purchase an item.
-Manzo has been living in Toronto where her work as a counselor and activist has won her popularity and admiration in the community.
Wind – (waind), va.enrollar, tejer, dirigir, soplar.   vn. enrollarse, con rodeos.    s.- viento. [p.pp. wound o winded].
-Shelly had to wind my bed down again as I could not cope.
Withdraw – retirar, retractar,  [p.withdrew – pp. withdrawn].    withdrawal–s. retiro. 
-He withdrew even further.
-There was a small tingling sensation as the tube was withdrawn, but no pain.
Wink- vn.   coquetear, pestañear.  s.- pestañeo.
Wipe- (waip), va. limpiar frotando.  s.-limpiadura.
-I got a beautiful flat finish that wipes clean with just soap and water.
-She wiped it a couple of times which was not comfortable.
Wish –va.  desear, querer.     s.-deseo.
-A bunch of friends convinced me to go out to wish our friend, Jimmy a happy 30th birthday.
-He wished he’d been there to see it. – 
El deseó que el hubiera estado ahí para verlo
Wonder- va. preguntarse, maravillarse, desear saber.    vn. admirarse.    s.- admiración, maravilla, prodigio.
-I wonder if it will rain tomorrow.
-I wondered if anyone else was having similar difficulty making friends.
Work – va. trabajar.  vn. trabajar, estar empleado.   s.-trabajo, tarea.  working- s. obra, trabajo. 
-Yet many who work in these fields.
-I'm working on how often I should do this, like once a day or once every other day or whatever.
Worry- va. acosar, preocupar.  vn. inquietarse.  s.- cuidado, ansiedad, apuro, preocupación.
-You guys have nothing to worry about.
-She worried that she sometimes overreacted when her children misbehaved.
Wound – (wund), herir.   s.-herida, ofender.
-The signs of inflammation which may last for several weeks or until the wound is completely healed.
-Three students lay fatally wounded and one policeman tried to control things.
Wrap – envolver.  [p.pp. wrapped o wrapt].    wrapping- s.- envoltura, cubierta.   a. de envolver. 
-Shanna Kept her arms wrapped around my neck.
-After drying off, I wrap my wet hair in a towel, crawl back to bed exhausted, and immediately fall asleep.
Wrestle- va. luchar, forcejear.  vn. esforzarse.   wrestling- s. lucha.
Wriggle – menear, retorcer.    wriggling-s. meneo, ondulación.
Wring – va. torcer, retorcer, exprimir,  [p.pp. - wrung].
 -But this simple statement was wrung from his heart, heavy with resolve.
 -I left the dog wringing wet in my apartment.
Write- (rait), va.  escribir, describir.  vn. escribir, ser escritor.  [p. wrote – pp. written].    writing- s. escritura, escrito.   
-Please feel free to write.
-Long before I wrote stories.
Wrong – va. agraviar, ofender, injuriar.  s.- injuria, agravio.   a.- desacertado, erróneo, equivocado.
-Maybe they wrong about you. – Tal vez ellos se equivocan acerca de ti.
