Verbos con letra K

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Keep –(kip), conservar(se), mantener, quedarse.  s. –manutención, subsistencia.    keeping – s. mantenimiento, custodia.
-I kept thinking of my children and worrying about how frightened they must be.
-Debra sees this as Marie’s way of keeping control. 

Kick – va.patear.  vn. patearse, quejarse, respingar.     s.- patada, respingo, queja, oposición.    kicking-s. queja, pataleo, respingo.
-Which kicked off more than 3 years ago with the help of a $75 grant from cable TV.
-So they decided that they would kick me out just like that. 
Kidnap – (kidnaep), va. secuestrar, raptar.      kidnapping – s.   secuestro.
-One worker said his son was kidnapped. 
Kiss – va. besar.    s.-beso.
-I wanted to put my hands in your hair, and kiss those sexy lips.
-but the kissing scenes were very weird,- pero las escenas de besar fueron muy raras. 
Knead – (knid), va. amasar, sobar.   kneading-s. amasadura, soba.
-And kneading massage you can do yourself. 
Kneel  (nil), vn. arrodillarse.  [ p.pp. knelt o kneeled ].
Knock – (nak), golpear, topar(se), pegar, criticar, hablar mal de.     s.-golpe, toque, crítica dura. 
-Some staff don't knock or leave the door open.
-Well before I felt ready, a male nurse was knocking on my bathroom door for me to hurry up. 
Know – saber, conocer.    [ p.knew – pp.known ].   knowing-a. instruido, sabedor, sabio.  s.- conocimiento.      knowledge – s.  conocimiento.
-Nobody knows I’m in town.
-Knowing your situation requires more money – sabiendo que su situación requiere mas dinero 
